Hong Kong
Open until 07:00 PM evening
One of Asia's premier financial hubs, Hong Kong is a city that thrives at all hours of the day. REVIV wellness IV Therapy and IM Booster Shots keep the people of Hong Kong as vibrant and energetic as the city itself.
Hong Kong continuously reinvents itself, offering world class dining, shopping, nightlife, art & entertainment, sports and outdoor culture. Living within the intensity and the hustle and bustle of this compact city is sometimes draining. You may feel run-down, worn out, fatigued, jet-lagged, generally ill, dehydrated or just wanting a boost of energy for the week.
All of REVIV’s wellness IV drip therapy and IM booster shots embrace an Eastern philosophy of balance with a Western approach to wellness. With a selection of five signature IV therapies and a presence that spans the globe, REVIV are the world leader when it comes to IV and vitamin wellness. Developed by our team of clinical physicians, our IV therapies have been designed to offer health, beauty, recovery and wellness benefits for your body. From helping you to recover from a cold, rehydrating you following exercise or easing the symptoms of allergies, our IV drip therapies are fast acting and have lasting benefits. Choose our anti-aging and beauty therapies designed to give you clearer, brighter skin thanks to the master antioxidants Glutathione, or one of our wellness therapies that can help detoxify your body and restore your body’s natural balance by flushing out toxins.
REVIV Hong Kong is located in Central and staffed with a team of highly qualified medical professionals led by our HK Medical Director, a registered Hong Kong doctor of over 25 years experience. Come in to REVIV HK and walk away looking and feeling your best to make the most of the city of Hong Kong.
你有否試過疲勞、睡眠不安、發胖、全身乏力等症狀困擾? REVIV 在這個時候可以幫你重拾健康!
REVIV 由四位擁有四十年治療脫水及恢復體能經驗的急症室醫生創立,是一個在世界各地提供安全及有效的IV護理及強化注射的品牌。名流紳士已率先體驗了IV護理療程及強化注射的奇妙效果,現在普羅大眾也可以體驗。 IV護理療程及強化注射將補充液及營養素直接輸入血管是補充水分及恢復體能最高效的方法。因為透過口服補充能量,如喝水、能量飲品、維他命補充品,藥丸等,身體只能吸收及消化維他命一半,成效事半功倍。REVIV 的IV保濕護理療程及強化注射主要針對補充和恢復足夠水分及令身體回復至極緻水平。這些療程有很多益處──消除疲勞、清醒頭腦、提高免疫力,甚至舒緩壓力,以達至卓越顯著的效果。
REVIV HONG KONG 選址於香港商業及購物心臟地帶中環,所有療程由受專業訓練的專業人士進行,包括受認證的醫生、註冊護士及專業醫護人員。快來預約屬於你的健康療程,讓你身體恢復最健康的狀態!
Hong Kong continuously reinvents itself, offering world class dining, shopping, nightlife, art & entertainment, sports and outdoor culture. Living within the intensity and the hustle and bustle of this compact city is sometimes draining. You may feel run-down, worn out, fatigued, jet-lagged, generally ill, dehydrated or just wanting a boost of energy for the week.
All of REVIV’s wellness IV drip therapy and IM booster shots embrace an Eastern philosophy of balance with a Western approach to wellness. With a selection of five signature IV therapies and a presence that spans the globe, REVIV are the world leader when it comes to IV and vitamin wellness. Developed by our team of clinical physicians, our IV therapies have been designed to offer health, beauty, recovery and wellness benefits for your body. From helping you to recover from a cold, rehydrating you following exercise or easing the symptoms of allergies, our IV drip therapies are fast acting and have lasting benefits. Choose our anti-aging and beauty therapies designed to give you clearer, brighter skin thanks to the master antioxidants Glutathione, or one of our wellness therapies that can help detoxify your body and restore your body’s natural balance by flushing out toxins.
REVIV Hong Kong is located in Central and staffed with a team of highly qualified medical professionals led by our HK Medical Director, a registered Hong Kong doctor of over 25 years experience. Come in to REVIV HK and walk away looking and feeling your best to make the most of the city of Hong Kong.
你有否試過疲勞、睡眠不安、發胖、全身乏力等症狀困擾? REVIV 在這個時候可以幫你重拾健康!
REVIV 由四位擁有四十年治療脫水及恢復體能經驗的急症室醫生創立,是一個在世界各地提供安全及有效的IV護理及強化注射的品牌。名流紳士已率先體驗了IV護理療程及強化注射的奇妙效果,現在普羅大眾也可以體驗。 IV護理療程及強化注射將補充液及營養素直接輸入血管是補充水分及恢復體能最高效的方法。因為透過口服補充能量,如喝水、能量飲品、維他命補充品,藥丸等,身體只能吸收及消化維他命一半,成效事半功倍。REVIV 的IV保濕護理療程及強化注射主要針對補充和恢復足夠水分及令身體回復至極緻水平。這些療程有很多益處──消除疲勞、清醒頭腦、提高免疫力,甚至舒緩壓力,以達至卓越顯著的效果。
REVIV HONG KONG 選址於香港商業及購物心臟地帶中環,所有療程由受專業訓練的專業人士進行,包括受認證的醫生、註冊護士及專業醫護人員。快來預約屬於你的健康療程,讓你身體恢復最健康的狀態!

Clinic information
Hong Kong
12th Floor, The Plaza, 21 D'Aguilar Street, Central, , , Hong Kong+852 2530 9882hongkong@revivme.comOpening hours
Mon:10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Tue:10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Wed:10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Thu:10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Fri:10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Sat:10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Sun:10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Our Services
Mobile IV Therapy
A custom service administered by one of our expert medical professionals, wherever you are in the world.
*Mobile & at home service, conditions apply